Sharing the Tradition

One of the spiritual aspects of our pandemic – yes, there have been some – included pondering how to share our liturgical traditions, and the tell the sacred stories that give meaning to our Christian life, in new ways.

For me, this has meant “dusting off” some past experiences of creating innovative, high tech liturgy that is both traditional and practical. How we can present worship most fully through a virtual medium? What gifts do each of us bring to God’s ever renewed and re-imagined table?

I hope to finds ways to participate in this creative process over the next few years – and live into a “cornerstone” of virtual worship: “Keeping the Tradition in a Brand New Way.”

“Keeping the Tradition on a Brand New Way”
Chapel of the Holy Spirit
St.George’s Episcopal Church Dayton, Ohio
Image: KPS

1 thought on “Sharing the Tradition”

  1. Love the idea of keeping the tradition in a brand new way. God is always doing something new; and while some non-negotiables remain, we need to meet the needs of a new reality! Thanks, Paul!

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