“One by one, Lord, I see and I love all those whom you have given me to sustain…

and charm my life. One by one also I number all those who make up that other beloved family which has gradually surrounded me, its unity fashioned out of the most disparate elements, with affinies of the heart, of scientific research and of thought. And again one by one — more vaguely it is true, yet all-inclusively — I call before me the whole vast anonymous army of living humanity; those who surround me and support me though I do not know them; those who company, and those who go; above all, those who in office, laboratory and factory, through their vision of truth or despite their error, truly believe in the progress of earthly reality and who today will take up again their impassioned pursuit of the light.”

From Hymn of the Universe by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

An Experiment of “Gentle Worship”


Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church, Columbus, Ohio

The Rev. K Paul St. Germain, Jr


Virginia Theological Seminary