Chapel of the Holy Spirit
Votive Candles.
Dayton, Ohio. KPS 2000

“God speaks to each of us as God makes us – then walks us silently out of the night.

These are the words we dimly hear:

You, sent out beyond your recall. Go, to the limits of your longing. Embody me.

Flare up like flame. Make shadows that I can move in…”

Rainer Rilke “Love Poems to God” – A Book of Hours

Rev Will Burhans: “Sent Out”

Virtual meditations have the remarkable ability to take us beyond our senses and the stresses of life into a place of serenity, peace, and empowerment. This divine gift is a source of energy from God that heals and uplifts and inspires us as we seek to walk in discipleship with Jesus Christ.

Such meditations take many forms – and each speak in a myriad of different ways in relation to our own place along life’s journey. Some offer comfort and solace amidst distress and in times of emptiness – while others stir creativity, hope, charity toward others. Most meditations are able to root us in a place from which we can soar toward God, and more fully encounter God’s love and presence in what is around us. They “open an inner eye” of which mystics write and musicians sing with the chorus of angels.

The next few pages are about sharing such meditations that were crafted in times of inspiration and bewilderment. They are offered in gratitude to God’s Spirit which indeed “opens love’s window” and beckons us each through a door of joy and grace.

May they bless each reader on their own sacred journey…

Image Montage from “Sent Out”


Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final. Don’t let yourself loose me.

Nearby is the country we call life. You’ll know it by its seriousness.

Give me your hand…”

Rainer Rilke “Love Poems to God” – A Book of Hours

Rev Will Burhans: “Sent Out”

You may also wish to visit the website of SaBella Lavallee in Lake Oswego, Oregon, to learn more about her ministry of music and healing. Paul is very pleased to serve his Aunt SaBella as her web consultant.