Consulting Session Outlines

+ Session One

On-site visit. Meet parish leadership. Celebrate (or mourn) recent parish experiences, highlight discovered gifts, and give thanks for both familiar roles and new interests. What has been done? What lessons have been learned? What are the unique characteristics of the parish?

Tour the facility and sacred space – seeing the liturgical stage with “new eyes”.

Uplift current and future ministry opportunities. Create a ‘scope of project’ – what we hope to practically accomplish within specific time frames.

“Decent of the Holy Spirit”
St. George’s Episcopal Church, Dayton, Ohio
Willet Studios 1999
Design Consultant & Image: KPS

+ Session Two

Via Teleconference. Online examples of local, diocesan, national, and general approaches to digital worship. Begin identifying “best practices” in conveying worship – prayer, music, art and architecture, movement and stage-craft – in new formats.

Identify what might be applied to the current ministry setting – what “works”? What does “not work”? What would we like to embrace (even if in different ways) that use our available resources? 

Plan for next on-site visit – “setting a liturgical stage”.

“Spirit of Anglicanism” Series
St. John’s Episcopal Church, Huntington, West Virginia 1991
Image: KPS

+ Session Three

On-site visit. “Presenting a liturgical stage” in an electronic format. Draft:“Electronic Liturgical Customary”. Discussion: what to keep, let go (“flying golden paper airplanes), change, or be modified to appear the same in a different medium?

“Three. Two. One. Action!” Live feedback from parishioners participating remotely as a test congregation – worshipping with “new eyes”.

Ongoing review of project scope.

“Via Media” Program Cover Art
Image: KPS

+ Session Four

Via Teleconference. Our visit joined for a one-time consult by a musical, auditory and technological expert. Conversation: What is “behind the curtain” of liturgical multimedia’s best practices?

“Hands-on time” to address specific issues with experts familiar with installation and platform issues. “Back-stage work”. 

Ongoing review of project scope.

“Great South Wall” Millennium Windows
St. George’s Episcopal Church
Willet Studios 2001
Design Consultant & Image: KPS

+ Session Five

On-site visit. Putting it all together – “Lights, Camera(s), Let Us Pray…”

Present the new “Electronic Liturgical Customary” and completed “On-line Resources Map” of best practices in digital worship that now includes YOU.

Review scope of project and herald ongoing challenges.

Celebrate accomplishments and blessings. Thanksgivings for our ongoing ministry and mission.
