Gerald Rudolph Ford 

1913 – 2006 

(1974 – 1977) Nebraska, Republican, Episcopalian

“I am not a saint, and I am sure I have done things I might have done better or differently, or not at all.  I have also left undone things that I should have done.  But I believe and hope that I have been honest with myself and with others, that I have been faithful to my friends and fair to my opponents, and that I have tried my very best to make this great Government work for the good of all Americans.”

Gerald R. Ford

Presidential Seal of 1960

(Video in production. View end credits in process)

Title Image:
Section of the Berlin Wall
Gerald Ford Presidential Library and Museum
Grand Rapids Michigan

The tour will include the Gerald Ford Museum Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where Gerald and Betty Ford also are buried.

I am a Ford, not a Lincoln.”
Remarks after being sworn in as
Vice President of the United States
December 6, 1973